Mitchell Fine Art




Frame by frame

Our client, Mitchell Fine Art, one of Brisbane's Premier art galleries in the heart of Brisbane, right off the very trendy James Street in Fortitude Valley, approached BA for an ongoing Shopify Support package.

Mitchell Fine Art prides itself on the philosophy that 'art is for everyone'. BA took this approach within our ongoing Shopify Support package to enhance the website’s functionality and customer experience. Mitchell Fine Art joined BA on a Grow package to improve their online presence and, ultimately, online sales.


  • +314%

    Organic Impressions

  • +340%

    Organic Search Clicks

  • +7%

    Clickthrough Rate

Results Achieved

The collaboration with BA achieved remarkable results, with each month bringing new achievements for Mitchell Fine Art during uncertain economic times.

July - December 2023 goals set:

  • 15% increase in traffic with the source attributed to organic search
  • 3,000 average web sessions per month
  • 1 online sales order per month

The monthly average achieved between July - December 2023:

  • 24,320 average web sessions per month
  • 12,693 sessions with traffic with the source attributed to organic search
  • 12 online sales orders per month

A blank canvas

In the beginning...

The year 2023 posed unique economic challenges, marked by uncertainties with the extreme cost of living crisis. With this in mind, we knew the art industry encountered unprecedented shifts and changes in potential consumer behaviour.

We took this opportunity to expand our reach further than originally intended and extend our keywords and SEO to reach more potential customers. The website was updated with the customer journey in mind. This fresh update led to 2 online sales - a fantastic result for such high-priced items on their Shopify store and an incredible outcome. Before approaching BA, Mitchell Fine Art had no online sales.

The sculpture came to life

How we helped

Mitchell Fine Art, being a small, local business, had a minimal marketing budget. BA prevailed with flying colours and were able to create a strategy that imitated art and finally, online sales.

We did this with a strategy that focused on discoverability via SEO and the customer experience and journey through the Mitchell Fine Art Shopify store.

Fewer bounce rates meant more sales for the incredible artists that Mitchell Fine Art represents.

Allowing local artists to shine


The Mitchell Fine Art Shopify store was built beautifully and showcases the artist's stunning pieces. Although it lacked one important aspect, it was not built with SEO in mind. We were keen to get the optimisations in place as soon as we could to ensure the beautiful artists that Mitchell Fine Art represents were found on Google where prospective art buyers were looking - and that they did. Finally, the Mitchell Fine Art Shopify store was found by art buyers who would fall in love with the art as we did.

Separating the art buyer from the artist

The user journey (UX/UI)

To stand the best chance at ecommerce success, their website must have a great User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), and Customer Experience (CX). As an established brand with a pre-existing website, the next 6 months were focused on UI/UX. Ensuring the potential art buyers had the best experience on the Shopify store was the priority.

Mitchell Fine Art trusted BA and our expertise with the proposed strategy and that Digital Marketing was their best tactic to achieve their desired results.

Finally, the showcase

In conclusion

With over 25 years of experience in the Art industry, Mitchell Fine Art showcases a selection of Australia’s leading Aboriginal and Contemporary artists.

Before opening in Brisbane in 2015, Mitchell Fine Art was located in Alice Springs solely showcasing aboriginal artists. However, as their market demographic changed once moving to Fortitude Valley, Mitchell Fine Art took a necessary rebrand to include contemporary artists to stay relevant. This has helped secure their reputation across national and international markets.

Their website and digital presence needed to match their beautiful reputation and in doing that came the results.